Rivera Family portrait

Last week, the Rivera’s contacted me to see about shooting their family portrait.  So on Saturday they came out to our farm.  We had a blast as they interacted with the different animals on the farm.  When doing a photo shoot, I try to keep the atmosphere light and a conversation going, so as to keep the subject’s mind off the camera and more focused on being themselves.  These photos were taken towards the end of the shoot, during the golden hour of light close to sundown.  The main thing, I like about these photos is how they exude the free spirit and good time that they had during the shoot. Both photos were taken with a Canon 40D and the 85 1.2 L lens.


If you are interested in having your family portraits done please send me an email at rshaffer1959@msn.com  or visit my website www.flickr.com/photos/shafferphotography 

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